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Showing posts with label FCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

SpaceX to add 7,518 satellites to Starlink

Elon Musk, a person full of ambition and entrepreneurial mind is now all set to introduce to the world, a way which will be useful for people all around the world. He plans on providing a vast area of coverage for Internet and he’s going to do it in a way like no other has done before. His idea is to provide internet directly and completely wirelessly from space by launching internet beaming satellites into the low orbit space, lower than the International Space Station. This will result in low time Internet coverage from space to earth. This venture is expected to generate revenue of more than $30 billion by 2025.

This will be done by launching more than 7000 satellites into the orbit for which the permission has been given to SpaceX by FCC (Federal Communication Commission). Elon Musk has been given time to launch half of them in 6 years and to complete the launch in 9 years’ time span as allowed by FCC. This project has been given a name of “Starlink” in which total 12000 low orbit satellites will be launched into space. This project is expected to cost $10 billion and to be operational by 2020.

SpaceX shuttle

This service will provide a cheap global connectivity and internet access to remote areas where there was no internet until now, this project will also allow Internet of Things to grow as there will be an extensive and fast wireless connection. With such development from Space X, aerospace and communication giants like Boeing and Samsung are also sending their internet service satellites into the space. Google and Facebook also have plans to pursue such venture as Internet demand is going to double by year 2020. By 2020 their will be 3:1 IP address to global population that is 3 IP address or internet device to 1 person. To meet such demand SpaceX space internet mission will be extremely successful.

Friday, November 2, 2018

America wants to win the global race to 5G

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy has already issued a statement asserting that America wants to be the first to launch 5G wireless internet technology. As the first country to initiate 4G, America again wants to stay ahead in the race. They believe that the path to global domination in this information age lies in excelling at wireless technology.

5G internet

The White House recently issued a memo stating the need for a new wireless connectivity strategy and asking for reports on the progress. The memo is on the lines of Federal Commission of Connectivity’s (FCC) policy for 5G. The US has been pursuing a wide 5G strategy for some years now. Under President Obama’s regime US was the first country to allocate spectrum. But since then other countries like Spain and South Korea have surpassed the United States in spectrum auctions.

The US has decided to get back on the saddle. The memo demands report in 180 days from various Executive Branches regarding the future spectrum requirements. After 270 days, various departments including the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the FCC will deliver a “long-term National Spectrum Strategy” that hits a number of targets: 
  •  Increase spectrum access, security and transparency
  • Create flexible spectrum management models, including standards, incentives and enforcement mechanisms
  • Develop advanced technologies” to improve spectrum access and sharing
  • Improve the global competitiveness of U.S. “terrestrial and space-related industries”

Chairman FCC, Ajit Pai introduced some rules months ago for a new spectrum policy as well. FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said:

We are ripping up what came before and starting with a new wireless policy sometime late next year. But the world isn’t going to wait for us. Other nations are moving ahead with strategies they are implementing now while we’re headed to study hall.”

The authorities are focused in their efforts to make America win the global race to 5G and maintain its dominance over the world.