has extended its focus on harnessing technology and modernizing its retail
stores. In 2017, Walmart assembled a team of AI experts and data scientists.
This team was called Kepler and its purpose was to use AI technology to revamp
Walmart’s retail stores. Earlier it was speculated that Walmart is going
cashier-less like Amazon Go. But last week officials at Walmart revealed that
Kepler is working on building an Intelligent Retail Lab.
IRL is not yet operational but the team has started installing the hardware and
software inside of its stores in Levittown, New York. This system once
installed will revolutionize the retail business. It will assist store managers
in knowing when the aisles need replenishing, inform them about spills and help
them in re-arranging wrongly placed items.
Artificial Intelligent system can also help them in recording customer data.
This data could be analyzed to identify shopping patterns and customer preferences.
In this age of information technology, such data can help Walmart in competing
with their online competitors.
this experiment proves to be a success, Walmart will surely install such
systems in all of its retail outlets. Soon competitors would follow similar
strategies and we will witness how innovative technology can change the way we
shop at grocery stores.